Please Join Us For a Very Special Evening
as the
Institute of General Semantics
NY Society for General Semantics
Media Ecology Association
Urban Communication Foundation
Join Together to Co-sponsor
A Memorial Tribute to
Gary Gumpert
and a screening of
The Gutenberg Galaxy
"The Gutenberg Galaxy" is a 30-minute television program that featured media scholar Marshall McLuhan, along with artist Harley Parker and educationist Robert Shafer, produced and directed by Gary Gumpert. Originally aired locally in Detroit, Michigan via Wayne State University's UHF channel in 1960, and recorded via kinescope, this rarely seen recording offers a glimpse into what both television and McLuhan were like before they became ubiquitous.
Gary Gumpert (Ph.D, Wayne State University) was Emeritus Professor of Communication at Queens College of the City University of New York and President of the Urban Communication Foundation. His creative career as a television director and academic career as a scholar spanned over 60 years. The author and editor of numerous books including Talking Tombstones and Other Tales of the Media Age, The Urban Communication Reader, and Regulating Convergence and Regulating Social Media: Legal and Ethical Considerations, he was the recipient of the Media Ecology Association's Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity.
The memorial will feature remarks from his former students, colleagues, and friends. If you are interested in participating, please email Lance Strate.
Registration is free. All attendees must be registered in order to gain admittance to the club. This includes any guests you might want to bring with you.
The program will take place in the Dining Hall on the 1st floor of the club. Please note that, as an historic 19th century landmark, the site is not handicap accessible. Dress code is business casual and is strictly enforced, including no sneakers, shorts, ripped jeans, t-shirts).