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Language and Thought Online Course

  • 10 Feb 2025
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • Canvas
  • 0


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Language and Thought

An Online Course

February 10-21

Dr. Mary P. Lahman, Instructor

The Institute of General Semantics is pleased to sponsor an online asynchronous course on general semantics to be taught by IGS Trustee Mary P. LahmanProfessor Emerita of Communication Studies at Manchester University and author of Awareness and Action. As an asynchronous course, students will have opportunities to engage with the course material and interact from anywhere in the world, completing daily assignments at their convenience each day.  The course is being offered via the Canvas learning management system. 

Course Description: This course explores the relationship between language and thought, specifically how positions that may seem diverse and incompatible stem from inferences based on limited experience. We discover language behaviors that help us delay responding to automatic thinking and listening habits. By learning to pause, we gain awareness of our perceptions and emotional responses, which can increase our ability to engage in civil discourse about controversial topics. We explore how unexamined language behaviors perpetuate misperceptions of past and present controversies in professional and personal spaces. We determine which language and listening behaviors respect the infinite worth of each person in the interaction.

An ebook edition of the required text, Lahman, M. P. (2018). Action and Awareness: A Travel Companion, will be provided free of charge.

The seminar fee is $100 for IGS members, $200 for non-members.

We will try to accommodate everyone interested in attending the seminar, but space will necessarily be limited, so register early to ensure your participation!

Institute of General Semantics
401 Park Avenue South
Ste. 873
New York, NY 10016

Phone: +1 (201) 745-3693
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