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  • 24 Oct 2022 2:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New from our New Non-Aristotelian Library Series:

    Dear Fellow Time-Binder: Letters on General Semantics by Christopher Mayer

    This is a series of short summaries and brief overviews of many main ideas within general semantics, all couched in the style of personal letters. It is designed to give people an intimate view into many insights offered with general semantics, and just as equally, it represents how principles of general semantics can be applied within everyday life.

  • 24 Oct 2022 2:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The latest publication in our Language in Action series devoted to poetry and creative writing:

    Massaging the Medium: Seven Pechakuchas by Adeena Karasick

    In the alternate universe where Roland Barthes was a TikTok star and Marshall McLuhan an Instagram Inluencer cloned with a generation of super-whiz critical-wise-cracking kids to produce super-hip trend-smart media brand collage-critique they might have approached the extra-orbital velocity of Adeena Karasick’s high-powered cultural insights. The sheer scale of her inventory of references is enough to overwhelm the synapses and explode the constellationary possibilities of trying to process the world we live in. We, not the medium, are what is being massaged, manipulated, and mangled—and Karasick artfully exposes these many machinations while keeping her cool voice and ludic edge.

    Mordantly clever these compressed works are full of edge and insight. Up-to-date and totally timely, the dense fields of text-image resonate with current associations and indexical trails of the familiar frames according to which we mediate the culturally produced encounters with our daily lives. Accurate and terrifying, lively and vivid, Adeena Karasick’s format manages its hybrid pata-para-pechakucha parametrics with dizzying and dazzling energy and skill. In other words—WOW.

    —Johanna Drucker, author of The General Theory of Social Relativity,
    DowndriftIliazd: Metabiography of a Modernist and the forthcoming Inventing the Alphabet

    Massaging the Medium is a fascinating, sensory media-mix... [where] you can hear Karasick’s voice and feel the rhythm of her reading—about technology and the senses, culture, communication, and imagination, Postman and Korzybski, the Golem, the body, language, talk, and truth. This is is a book you can dance to.

    —Eva Berger, Secretary of the Institute of General Semantics, author of The Communication Panacea, and Context Blindness: Digital Technology and the Next Stage of Human Evolution

    Language juggler Adeena Karasick did it again. By letting images speak, she crammed an unjammable aural experience in less than 200 pages. An absolute Mcluhanesque pastiche that seizes the allatonceness of our memetic culture. A book to read with your ears.
    Paolo Granata, University of Toronto, author of The Medium: A Marshall McLuhan Board Game

  • 24 Oct 2022 2:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our long-awaited double issue 78:3-4 (2021) of ETC: A Review of General Semantics is in the mail and is now available for download from the IGS Store in searchable PDF format.

    Table of Contents Preview

    "Letter from the Editor"

    In Memoriam: Paul Dennithorne Johnston" by Charles G. Russell

    "Remembrance: Paul Johnston" by Martin H. Levinson

    "Cultivating Metacognition: Exploring Relations Between Literacy and Modes of Thinking" by Corey Anton

    "Excerpts from Dear Fellow Time-Binder: Letters on General Semantics" by
    Chris Mayer

    "My Lambda Pi Eta Lecture" by Lance Strate

    "Indexing American Overthrows of Foreign Governments by Martin H. Levinson"

    "Prof on First" by David Sobelman

    "How I Became an Ecologist" by Rex Weyler

    "Grandpa McCoy’s Three Questions: Mapping Our way Across the Digital Divide" by Robert Albrecht

    "Critical Moral Thinking: Some Stars to Steer By" by Jeffrey Scheuer

    "A Dialogue on Language" by Peter Zhang and Robert Smit

    "There’s Only 1 Train: All Aboard the Cosmopolitan Canopy from 242nd St. to South Ferry" by Deirdre Heavey

    "Closure and Flexibility of Closure as it Relates to Perception and Inductive Reasoning" by Joseph N. Agostino

    "Closure in Perception: An Overview" by Joseph N. Agostino

    General Semantics Actions Plans:

      "Action Plan: Non-Allness" by Jora Barnes and Mary Lahman;

      "Action Plan: Self-Reflexiveness" by Kaleigh Gabriel and Mary Lahman

    Moving Action Plans to Case Studies 

      "Action Plan: Self-Reflexiveness by Erin Hickle and Mary Lahman

      "The Social Media Debate: How Might Quotes, Hyphens, and En-Dashes Help Us Reach New Understanding" by Erin Hickle, Marissa Carr, and Mary Lahman


    "Enantiodromia" by Xristos Xousos

    "The Virtual Feast" by David Linton

    "Self" by NonistJohn Case Schaeffer

     Book Reviews,  Martin H. Levinson, Book Review Editor: 

    Shariatmadari, David. Don’t Believe a Word: The Surprising Truth About Language. New York: Norton, 2019.

  • 1 Feb 2022 3:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our long-awaited and eighth double issue 78:1-2 (2021) of ETC: A Review of General Semantics is in the mail and is now available for download from the IGS Store in searchable PDF format.

    Table of Contents Preview

    “Conscious of Abstraction” by Dom Heffer

    “General Semantics and All That Jazz” by Geof Bradfield/Ben Goldberg/Dana Hall Trio, and Anne Philips, with Thom Gencarelli, Lance Strate, and Ed Tywoniak

    “Excerpts from Dear Fellow Time-Binder: Letters on General Semantics” by Chris Mayer

    “‘I Hear You!’: Comments on the Sound Practice of Listening” by Lance Strate

    “Anticipatory Anxiety” by Milton Dawes

    “Interpersonal Time: A Neglected Dimension” by Joseph A. Devito

    “Are We What We Think We Are Not?” by Vijay Rangachari

    “The Art of Clear Thinking” by Martin H. Levinson

    “Dating American Disunity” by Martin H. Levinson

    “Dating Western Poetry” by Martin H. Levinson

    “Just for the Habitat: A Fanciful Tale on the Birth of General Semantics” by Martin H. Levinson

    “Waiting for the Squeeze to ‘Squooze’: Wallstreetbets and General Semantics” by Michael Quinn

    “A Prophet Sowing Golden Words: A Semantic Parable with a Happy Ending” by Richard Fiordo

    “September 11, 2001: Recollections of a New York City Police Officer” by Suzanne G. Beyer

    “The Wrought Iron Fence: Another Layer of History” by Suzanne G. Beyer

    “Ises Don’t, and Nouns Are Not” by NonistJohn Schaeffer

    “The Real-Time Blues” by NonistJohn Schaeffer

    “General Semantics ‘Action Plans’” by Mary Lahman

    “Action Plan: Self-Reflexiveness” by Erin Hickle, Marissa Carr, and Mary Lahman

    Plus Letter from the Editor.

    Cover Art

    On the Cover: Anthony Housman - Still Life (Half Dish). 2008. Acrylic on canvas. 25cm x 35cm.

  • 28 Dec 2021 3:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In 1948, the Institute of General Semantics hosted a Summer Seminar-Workshop at Millbrook School in New York. In 2020, IGS released over 15 hours of digitized audio recordings from that course.

    After uncovering more audio recordings from the course, including several lectures by Alfred Korzybski and additional lecturing by Irving J. Lee, today IGS announces the release of "version 2.0" for the audio collection. This newly expanded collection contains 37 additional audio files, totaling around 24 hours of audio from the 1948 Summer Seminar-Workshop.  This expanded collection is now available for listening and download from the IGS Store.

    The recordings reflect a wide range of speakers, general semantics lessons, and teacher-student interactions. They were digitized and enhanced in 2020-2021 from reels rescued from the Institute of General Semantics archives.

    Included with the MP3 album of 62 audio files is the Listener's Guide for IGS 1948 Summer Seminar-Workshop by Ben Hauck, which meticulously brings together archival information about the course -- from its planning to names of those in attendance, and more.

    In addition to Alfred Korzybski lecturing on a wide range of topics in the seminar portion of the retreat, and introducing Douglas Kelley at a point, the following general semantics lecturers speak in the recordings on these subjects and others:

    • Stuart Chase - House on Un-American Activities
    • William Exton, Jr. - Audio-Visual Aids, Maps, Non-Verbal Symbols
    • Harry Holtzman - Visual Art; Abstract Art
    • Douglas Kelley - Work of Adelbert Ames, Jr., Psychiatry, Structure, Function of the Human Nervous System, Conditioned Reflexes; On Magic; Prejudice, and Question & Answer Session
    • M. Kendig - Introduction to Allen Walker Read; Neuro-Linguistic, Neuro-Semantic Environments on Teaching and Writing General Semantics
    • Irving J. Lee - Statements of Fact, Inferencing; Question & Answer Session
    • Allen Walker Read - Semantic Guide
    • Sam Rosen - Using General Semantics in Medical Situations

    Approximate Running Time: ~24 hours

    These audio recordings and listener's guide complement the motion picture produced during the 1948 course:

    This audio collection is available as a downloadable ZIP file including 62 MP3 audio files and a listener's guide PDF with photographs.

    NOTE: The ZIP file is 270MB, a large file. You have 4 days from the moment of purchase to complete the download, and 4 attempts to succeed.  Only order when you have enough time to download the file to a computer or external hard drive with enough space. To open the ZIP, you may need to extract the contents of the ZIP file with additional free software.

  • 28 Dec 2021 3:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In 1948, the Institute of General Semantics hosted a Summer Seminar-Workshop at Millbrook School in New York. In 2020, IGS released over 15 hours of digitized audio recordings from that course.

    After uncovering more audio recordings from the course, including several lectures by Alfred Korzybski and additional lecturing by Irving J. Lee, today IGS announces the release of "version 2.0" for the audio collection. This newly expanded collection contains 37 additional audio files, totaling around 24 hours of audio from the 1948 Summer Seminar-Workshop.  This expanded collection is now available for listening and download from the IGS Store.

    The recordings reflect a wide range of speakers, general semantics lessons, and teacher-student interactions. They were digitized and enhanced in 2020-2021 from reels rescued from the Institute of General Semantics archives.

    Included with the MP3 album of 62 audio files is the Listener's Guide for IGS 1948 Summer Seminar-Workshop by Ben Hauck, which meticulously brings together archival information about the course -- from its planning to names of those in attendance, and more.

    In addition to Alfred Korzybski lecturing on a wide range of topics in the seminar portion of the retreat, and introducing Douglas Kelley at a point, the following general semantics lecturers speak in the recordings on these subjects and others:

    • Stuart Chase - House on Un-American Activities
    • William Exton, Jr. - Audio-Visual Aids, Maps, Non-Verbal Symbols
    • Harry Holtzman - Visual Art; Abstract Art
    • Douglas Kelley - Work of Adelbert Ames, Jr., Psychiatry, Structure, Function of the Human Nervous System, Conditioned Reflexes; On Magic; Prejudice, and Question & Answer Session
    • M. Kendig - Introduction to Allen Walker Read; Neuro-Linguistic, Neuro-Semantic Environments on Teaching and Writing General Semantics
    • Irving J. Lee - Statements of Fact, Inferencing; Question & Answer Session
    • Allen Walker Read - Semantic Guide
    • Sam Rosen - Using General Semantics in Medical Situations

    Approximate Running Time: ~24 hours

    These audio recordings and listener's guide complement the motion picture produced during the 1948 course:

    This audio collection is available as a downloadable ZIP file including 62 MP3 audio files and a listener's guide PDF with photographs.

    NOTE: The ZIP file is 270MB, a large file. You have 4 days from the moment of purchase to complete the download, and 4 attempts to succeed.  Only order when you have enough time to download the file to a computer or external hard drive with enough space. To open the ZIP, you may need to extract the contents of the ZIP file with additional free software.

  • 22 Dec 2021 3:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In the first episode of the Hilaritas Press Podcast, Institute of General Semantics trustee Dom Heffer speaks in depth about Alfred Korzybski.

    The podcast focuses on people who "influenced and inspired Robert Anton Wilson," and Korzybski is among those who influenced Wilson.

    Click here to listen to the podcast and find it on podcast apps »

  • 21 Dec 2021 3:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To the IGS YouTube account, we have added a curated set videos of presentations from the 69th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture and its subsequent Two-Day General Semantics Symposium, sponsored by the Institute of General Semantics, and co-sponsored by the Media Ecology Association and the New York Society for General Semantics.

    The entire event was held at the Players Club in New York City, October 1-3, 2021.

    The videos are compiled into a sequential playlist that mirrors the sequence of events from the weekend.

    Watch individual entries from the playlist »

  • 20 Aug 2021 3:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Institute of General Semantics is pleased to announce the publication of Signal Reactions and Other Poems, an illustrated collection of verse by Martin H. Levinson, with photography by Katherine Liepe-Levinson.

    About the Book

    The title of this book, Signal Reactions, refers to a general semantics (GS) term signifying an instant, unthinking, subjective response to a person, place, thing, or event. These responses rarely work out well but they are so instinctive it is hard to resist them. Delaying our reactions gives us time to think about what is going on in situations, which can help us to respond more effectively.

    Some examples of signal and delayed reactions can be seen in the poems " The Most Exasperated Person in America" (p. 93) and "Summer's End" (pp. 139-140).

    The book is part of the IGS Language in Action series, which publishes books devoted to creative modes of expression that can open the doors of perception, and foster better understandings of the nature of language, symbols, communication, and the semantic, technological, and media environments that we inhabit.

    Institute members can purchase the book at a discount through the IGS Store (linked below) or through online retailers.

  • 28 Jul 2021 3:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our long-awaited and seventh double issue 77:3-4 (2020) of ETC: A Review of General Semantics is in the mail and is now available for download from the IGS Store in searchable PDF format.

    Table of Contents Preview

    "Legality’s Plot to Murder Ethics: A Myth for Our Times" by Corey Anton

    "Alfred Korzybski and... Warren Buffet" by Christopher W. Mayer

    "The Ethics of Innovation" by Lance Strate

    "Entropy Binding: A General Semantics of Environmental Consciousness" by Ashwin Vaidya

    "Pandemic Language: A Battle for Control over More than the Virus" by Laura Tropp and Susan Behrens

    "A General Semanticist View of the COVID Pandemic" by Savitha Sukumar

    "COVID-19: A Metaphorical Analysis" by Sabrina Boyd

    "From Aristophanes to Stephen Colbert: Time-Binding Western Satire" by Martin H. Levinson

    "Crossword Puzzles: Mapping the Territory" by Martin H. Levinson

    "Listener’s Guide to the Institute of General Semantics 1948 Summer Seminar-Workshop Audio Recordings" by Ben Hauck

    "Jo Creelman’s Creative Writing Pieces Related in Different Ways to General Semantics" by Pete Creelman and Jo Creelman

    "Bureaucratic Ethos in Urban Legends" by Brett Lunceford

    "Lost in Thought versus Down-to-Earth Orientations—Advancing the Interplay of Intensional and Extensional Meanings: A Small Step" by Richard Fiordo

    "Metaphor Analysis" by Sanhaya Soi

    "A Symphony of Languages" by Suzanne G. Beyer

    "Living Better with General Semantics: Updating Outdated Beliefs to Become Better Aligned with Reality" by Jaison Tremain

    "Mind Reading" by Kay Prevallet
    "Asteroid (after Laura Owens)" by Kay Prevallet

    Plus Book Reviews and Letter from the Editor.

    Cover Art

    "The Structural Differential" by Derek Bacon (ink and pencil, 55 x 48cm, 2020).

    Derek Bacon is a visual artist from the UK, now based in the Netherlands. He has worked in editorial illustration since 2004, making work for many newspapers and magazines around the world, including 14 years creating cover art for The Economist. More recently, Derek has moved away from working digitally and now works in more traditional, line-based media with a focus on portraiture and scenes from nature, as well as attempts at depicting aspects of awareness, dreams and awakening. You can find more of Derek’s work at:

Institute of General Semantics
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Ste. 873
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Phone: +1 (201) 745-3693
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Quarterly Journal ETC: A Review of General Semantics

ETC contributes to and advances the understanding of language, thought, and behavior. Each issue of ETC provides the latest research and discourse on general semantics.

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