Newly published from the Institute of General Semantics is A Continuing Education Guide to Teaching General Semantics, a 56-page book by IGS President Martin H. Levinson, Ph.D.
The book is now available from the IGS Store.
About the Book
Debuting at the 62nd Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture in October 2014 as a gift to registrants, the 56-page book A Continuing Education Guide to Teaching General Semantics offers guidance for teachers interested in creating a continuing education course for students of general semantics.
General semantics (GS) is a process-oriented, problem-solving system that trains individuals to make their language and thinking more relative to objective reality in order to better evaluate and understand the world. Its ideas and formulations have been taught in numerous college courses throughout the world. Over the years, many articles on the benefits of GS have appeared in the General Semantics Bulletin and ETC: A Review of General Semantics and more than 150 doctoral and master's degree theses have demonstrated its efficacy. General semantics is clearly a highly useful methodology with a wide range of applicability in diverse areas of human endeavor.
This guide contains twelve continuing education lessons in general semantics. Each lesson includes an Introduction (for the teacher) of the basic GS ideas to be presented, a Motivation to begin the lesson, and Suggested Activities for students. Lessons can be combined or abbreviated depending on the time constraints of the course and wishes of the instructor.
About the Author
Martin H. Levinson, Ph.D., is the President of the Institute of General Semantics, Vice President of the New York Society for General Semantics, and book editor of ETC: A Review of General Semantics. He is the author of four books and numerous articles on general semantics.
Purchase the Book
Click here to purchase A Continuing Education Guide to Teaching General Semantics in the IGS Store.