The long-awaited issue 72:3 (July 2015) of ETC: A Review of General Semantics is in the mail and is now available for download from the IGS Store in searchable PDF format.
Table of Contents Preview
- "The DEW Line Card Deck as a Metagame" by Eric McLuhan and Peter Zhang
- "The Unbinging of Time: On Bureaucratic Counter-Productivity" by Corey Anton and Valerie V. Peterson
- "General Semantics and PTSD in the Military" by Martin H. Levinson
- "The Smartphone: A Media Ecological Critique" by Peter Zhang
- "Realities: Words, 'Minds,' Institutions, Psychoanalysis, and Cosmoanalysis: A Calculus-Structural-Heuristic Approach (Part 1)" by Milton Dawes
- "Realities: Words, 'Minds,' Institutions, Psychoanalysis, and Cosmoanalysis: A Calculus-Structural-Heuristic Approach (Part 2)" by Milton Dawes
- "Realities: Words, 'Minds,' Institutions, Psychoanalysis, and Cosmoanalysis: A Calculus-Structural-Heuristic Approach (Part 3)" by Milton Dawes
- "Word Magic" by Michael Moore
- Probe:
"Fill in the Blanks" by Bill Haase
- Poems:
"Solitude" by Ross Jackson
"The Postmodern Office" by Ross Jackson
"Reflections on Art and Science" by Martin H. Levinson
"The Face of the Matter" by Martin H. Levinson
"Ludwig at the Bat" by Martin H. Levinson
"The Devastation of WW I Leads Alfred Korzybski to Devise General Semantics" by Martin H. Levinson
"People Do" by Martin H. Levinson
"Less Is More" by Martin H. Levinson
- Plus Letter from the Editor, News and Notes, and Obituary.
Cover Art
The photograph used for the cover of ETC 72:3 is of the collage "Passage" by Shawn Waltman, a surreal collage and digital artist living in Lafayette, California. His early and recent work can be seen at