The IGS played a featured role at this year's 24th annual Media Ecology Association convention in New York City, held on June 22nd-25th, as cosponsors of the event. Here are some of the highlights:
At the opening session, IGS President Lance Strate delivered welcoming remarks along with MEA President Michael Plugh, who is also a Trustee of the IGS, and President of the New York Society for General Semantics.

The IGS was featured at a special plenary session on general semantics. The panel included, from l. to r., IGS Trustees Lance Strate, Susan Drucker, Eva Berger, Michael Plugh, Tomkins Institute Chair Phil Rose (serving as moderator), and IGS Trustees Laura Trujillo-Liñán and Corey Anton.

A session featuring authors of recently published books featured several IGS trustees: From l. to r. Lance Strate, author of Concerning Communication (IGS, 2022), Laura Trujillo-Liñán, author of Formal Cause in Marshall McLuhan's Thinking (IGS, 2022), Eva Berger, author of Context Blindness (Peter Lang, 2022), along with Paul Soukup, author of A Media Ecology of Theology (Baylor University Press, 2022), and chairing the session, Michael Plugh.

IGS Vice-President Corey Anton re-presented his 2022 keynote delivered at the New York State Communication Association's annual conference, "Apprehending the Elusive: Communication, Language, and Literacy":

Another plenary session featured IGS Fellow TC McLuhan in conversation with Lance Strate:

IGS Trustee Michael Plugh received the MEA's Christine L. Nystrom Award for Service for his efforts as an MEA officer, as well as for serving as President of the New York Society for General Semantics, and as Past President of the New York State Communication Association:

Adeena Karasick received the MEA's Susanne K. Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Symbolic Form for her book, Massaging the Medium, published by the IGS.

IGS Trustee Eva Berger received the MEA's Erving Goffman Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Social Interaction for her book, Context Blindness.

And IGS Trustee Laura Trujillo-Liñán received the MEA's Marshall McLuhan Award for Outstanding Book for her monograph, Formal Cause in Marshall McLuhan's Thinking, published by the IGS.

It was truly a week to remember!